Meal Planning 101

Do you have piles of cookbooks or recipes from the web but find yourself ordering delivery or getting take out more than you'd like?   Do you have a family with completely different dietary needs or tastes?  Do you often feel like a short order cook?

If any of the above sounds like your life, it’s time to get organized and start meal planning.  Meal planning can come to your rescue in so many ways and the benefits are huge.

Good meal planning

  • Ensures you are eating responsibly and adds variety to your diet by outlining nutritionally balanced meals.
  • Saves money by knowing what you need to buy not what you think you need to buy.
  • Makes you more organized which can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Saves precious time by planning and buying in advance and reducing the number of times you go to the store

Here’s a meal planning process which works perfectly.

  • Outline dietary needs and wants for yourself and anyone else you are planning for. 
  • Source a week’s worth of recipes that work with those needs. 
  • Prepare a shopping list for all the ingredients in your recipe making sure you look through your pantry or fridge for what you already have on hand.
  • Shop for a weeks worth of meals at one time.

The only complaint received when telling people how to meal plan is about the overwhelming amount of research needed to find the appropriate recipes and the time and effort it takes to complete all the steps.  If this sounds like you, it may be time to hire a professional meal planner.  Here’s where KitchnAffair comes in!

We will sit down together and go over your dietary needs and wants. We will find suitable recipes, prepare a shopping list for these recipes and either help you order from an online grocer or set you on your way to the store.  There will be tips included on how to prepare the weekly meals in an organized, time-saving way.  

If you think you’re ready to eat responsibly, save time and money and reduce stress click this link and let’s chat or go to and check out meal planning as well other kitchen coaching services we offer. 

Happy Planning!

Stay tuned for the future post the benefits of having a well-stocked pantry.  If you want the post to go directly to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter here.
